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For us, bottles are pretty.
The original contents are usually very delicious, so we had quite some nice ones lying around the house. One was specially good looking, so I got the idea to combine the love for interior light design and ta-da! After several attempts, frustration and a lot of broken glass (hopefully not too much unluck following us in the years to come) the first Luchka was born. It is a simple yet charismatic ambient light that would look good in various places!

Even with all the experience now, not every bottle has what it takes to become a Luchka. Some just can't take all the pressure:)
Nuša is on the other hand taking care of designing beautifully simple wooden ceiling covers; single, double or majestic multi bottle lighting systems.

Be aware of all the beauty around you and create your own magic ambient with a Luchka!

Follow the light of your intuition, and keep away from the darkness of convention.

Michael Bassey Johns

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